Drug Charges Dismissed Against Former Winnebago Mayor and His Son

The criminal drug charges against Winnebago’s former mayor and his son have been dismissed.

On February 8th, 68 year old Scott J. Robertson and 46 year old Jacob J. Robertson were each charged with two first degree felony counts of unlawfully cultivating more than 23 cannabis plants, felony charge of first degree aiding and abetting of unlawfully cultivating more than 23 cannabis plants and conspiracy felony of first degree unlawfully cultivating of more than 23 cannabis plants.

In a document filed in Faribault Count District Court on Tuesday, County Attorney Cameron Davis tossed out all charges without prejudice and “in the interest of justice.”

Davis stated after a continued investigation following the defendants arrest on February 8th and review of the evidence, “The state believes it is presently unable to prove without a reasonable doubt they violated criminal cannabis cultivation laws by growing more than 16 plants that meet the legal definition of cannabis under applicable statutes.”

As a result of the charges against him, Scott Robertson resigned as the mayor of Winnebago on February 13th.