Wells Farmer to Host Chinese Commodity Team on Thursday

Faribault County soybean farmer Jeff Ignaszewski is hosting a Chinese commodity team on Thursday afternoon at his Wells soybean farm.  With 27 year of experience, he farms 1,200 acres between farms in Freeborn and Faribault County.

When Ignaszewski considers the importance of China, he is quick to refer to this statistic: every third row of Minnesota soybeans is exported to China.

The Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council organized the visit.  Kim Nill, director of Market Development, said the visit is an important one.

Nill, in a news release, said, “With China’s purchases of U.S. origin soybeans increasingly being for their proven, better long term storage than South America origin soybeans, Jeff’s strong focus on producing very high quality soybeans on his farm will dovetail well with China soybean buyers’ focus.”

The 10 visiting Chinese soybean buyers will even get into the fields at Ignaszewski’s farm.