The Faribault County FSA Office is in the midst of their busiest season with acreage reporting going on.
Faribault County FSA Director Nicki Miranowski says, with just over a week left for producers to certify, only 67.4 percent have reported their acres, which means there are still about 700 farms left to certify their acres.
Miranowski adds that there is a late filing fee if producers do not get their acres reported before the July 17th deadline starting at $46 per FSA farm number.
Reporting acres is a straightforward process. Maps can be picked up at the FSA Office or can be emailed via BOX, a secure email or producers can have their numbers loaded at the Office as long as they bring the required information with them.
Producers need to give the FSA the crop planted, the date planted and whether or not the crop is on shares if they want to participate in FSA programs.