In Thursday’s Legislative Report on KBEW, Representative Bjorn Olson shared that a Democrat led bonding bill had passed through the Minnesota House with sparse Republican support. The bill was prepared during last year’s legislative session and shelved.
The bill would ensure that Minnesota’s state assets, such as roads, bridges, schools, water facilities, etc would be maintained. Since this is a Bonding Bill, that means the financing is through a state loan, rather than paid for in cash by the state.
Representative Olson voted in favor of it, as he felt his constituents required the improvements and updates that were featured in the bill, however, he had his reservations. Olson felt that the projects in the bonding bill should be paid for with the state’s $17.6 billion surplus, but didn’t think the idea would get passed House Democrats, possibly costing his constituents the benefits of the bill.
It is hoped by Olson and other Republican members of the State Legislature that the Republicans in the Senate can negotiate tax rebates for Minnesotans in the bill, as Republicans feel that the majority of the budget surplus should go back to Minnesota taxpayers.