Several landlords were at the Fairmont City Council meeting Monday evening to voice their concerns during a public hearing for a proposed Rental Housing Ordinance Update.
City Administrator Cathy Reynolds noted that the update was in response to discussion at the May 24th City Council Meeting, when some complaints were brought forth to the Council. At the time, a request was made to look at the ordinance, make a few changes and then bring it back to the Council for further review.
Reynolds said the new ordinance clarifies that if a Contract for Deed is reported withing the County, it doesn’t fall under the Rental Ordinance, but if it’s not recorded with the County, then it does follow Rental Ordinances.
She said other updates in the code include an update to the Property Inspection Requirement. Right now the current code provides for an inspection to be conducted sometime during the three year rental period. An update would be to require for the rental inspection to be completed at the time the license is applied for or renewed.
After some initial concerns were expressed with the ordinance in its present form, it was noted that the ordinance was only a first draft and discussion at this week’s meeting was part of the process.
The Council went on to discuss the next steps in the process. Reynolds said the proposed ordinance was brough before the Planning Commission at the beginning of the month and little input was made in regard to possible changes.
The second reading of the proposed ordinance is slated for the next Council Meeting on October 11th.