Dale and Lori Stevermer Family of Easton Named Faribault County’s 2024 Farm Family of the Year

The Dale and Lori Stevermer family of Easton has been named Faribault County’s “2024 Farm Family of the Year” by the University of Minnesota.  Honored farm families are chosen, one per county, by local University of Minnesota Extension committees based on their demonstrated commitment to their communities and to enhancing and supporting agriculture.

Trails End Farm was started in 1916 by Dale’s Grandparents, Ed and Elizabeth Stevermer.  They had a diversified farm selling purebred Chester White hogs and Milking Shorthorn Cattle.  Trails End Farm has adapted from a farrow to finish operation to its current business as a 2,000 head finishing operation.  The family also farms 450 acres of corn and seed soybeans.

The Stevermer family, along with the 2024 Farm Families from all Minnesota Counties will be officially recognized in a ceremony on Thursday, August 8th, at the annual Farmfest, near Redwood Falls.