Classes at USC Were Delayed Wednesday Morning as Wells Police Searched for Juvenile Assault Suspect

A juvenile male was arrested following an assault with a handgun in Wells this morning.

The Wells Police Department says it happened around 3:30am.  When officers arrived, the suspect was not there and a several hour search began.

Authorities describe the incident as an isolated event since the suspect and victim are known to each other.  The suspect was arrested just before 8:15.

Authorities say with the suspect being a juvenile, the Wells Police advised and the decision was made to delay school at United South Central by two hours this morning.

USC released the following statement to parents:

“Thank you for your flexibility with our scheduling change this morning.  Our local law enforcement agencies indicated that they have located the individual involved in the situation from earlier this morning and that the is no longer any safety concern for our area.  Student safety is our first and foremost concern as we approach each school day, and our law enforcement partner have assured us that we are safe to begin the process of starting our school day.  We plan to stay with our two hour late start time for today.”

Requested charges against the suspect include 2nd degree assault with a dangerous weapon, 5th degree assault, disorderly conduct and possession of a firearm without a permit.