MN & Iowa Farmers See Favorable Weather Conditions Last Week, According to the USDA

Favorable weather conditions allowed farmers 5.9 days suitable for fieldwork in Minnesota last week, according to the USDA.

Corn condition was rated 1% very poor, 4% poor, 27% fair, 57% good and 11% excellent.  Soybean emergence was at 98%, 18 days behind last year and 6 days behind the 5 year average.  Soybean blooming was at 6%,  Soybean condition was 1% very poot, 3% poor, 28% fair, 58% good and 10% excellent.

Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 5% very short, 18% short, 66% adequate and 11% surplus.

In Iowa last week, there was very little rain statewide, resulting in 6 days suitable for fieldwork according to the USDA.

Corn began silking at 2%, 3 days behind last year and 4 days behind average.  Corn condition rated 77% good to excellent.

Thirteen percent of soybeans were blooming, 9 days behind last year and 4 days behind average.  Iowa’s soybean condition was rated at 77% good to excellent.

Topsoil moisture conditions were rated 7% very short, 27% short, 63% adequate and 3% surplus.